It’s The Lord’s Day. Come Let Us Go Up To The House Of The Lord

Sep 1, 2024

Honor the LORD you heavenly beings. Honor the LORD for His majesty and faithfulness. Honor the LORD for the glory of His name. Worship the LORD. Psalm 29:1-2, Adapted

The impulse to worship is universal. If you are a Believer, this worship impulse is instinctively directed toward worshipping and glorifying God. But what does it look like to worship God?

When all of God’s creatures are attuned in worship, an amazing symphony of creation unfolds. An individual who does not believe in God, cannot worship God. Nor can we pray in love and live in hate and spite and grudge, and still think we are worshipping God.

Worship is not part of our lives, but rather it is the totality of our lives. It is much more than going to church on Sunday. Worship of God confined to Sunday is not really worship at all. Here is what we must do. Make the entirety of our lives a sweet aroma of worship. With the aid of the Holy Spirit, take your ordinary everyday life, your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life, and place it before God as an act of worship (Note 1).

Finally, we cannot worship without admiring. Worship is admiration carried to infinitude; it is honor. Worship includes an element of wonder and fascination. If you can explain it, you can’t worship it. Most importantly, we cannot worship without loving. An active effort to close the gap between one’s heart and the God it adores is worship at its best (Note 2).

Note 1: In the coming week @WhatNow2Do will focus on daily worship.

Note 2: Adapted from a sermon, The Act Of Worship, January 16, 1955, by A. W. Tozer (1897 – 1963), Christian pastor, author, and editor.