Think it is a coincidence you are reading this? The word coincidence is used only once in the New Testament, and it was by Jesus Himself in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:31). Jesus said, “Now by coincidence (by chance) a certain priest was going down...
There are no coincidences. Coincidences = God’s Providence + obedience, where providence is God’s omniscient and benevolent direction of the affairs of mankind, and obedience is eyes to see and ears to hear.
Listen to me. There are no coincidences in the Providence of God. No detail is beyond his rapt attention and interest. You who have ears to hear, listen up. The wind of the Holy Spirit blows. #theHolySpirit #evenuntothedetails
There are no coincidences in the Providence of God. Remember this the next time you hear a song and think of an estranged family member. Or you run into a childhood friend at the supermarket. Or you hear the same Bible verse featured on a radio program that you had...