Identified With Christ: Fruit Of The Spirit

Jun 22, 2021

Observable and increasing of the fruits of the Spirit in our lives is evidence of God’s conforming us to the image of Christ. Here, from Galatians 5:22-23, is a compendium of the fruits of the Spirit:

1. Love: affection for others;
2. Joy: exuberance about life;
3. Peace: serenity;
4. Forbearance: long-suffering, patience, a willingness to stick with things;
5. Kindness: a sense of compassion;
6. Goodness: a conviction that a basic holiness permeates all things and people;
7. Faithfulness: loyalty to commitments;
8. Gentleness: humility, not needing to force our way;
9. Self-control: able to marshal and direct our energies wisely.

There are no shortcuts to spiritual maturity. It takes time to be holy.  Today’s weakness becomes tomorrow’s strength.

Jesus predicted Peter would deny Him three times, Peter twice insisted that he would never deny or disown the Lord. But he did. But then Peter became the epitome of boldness in the early chapters of Acts. A weakness matured into a strength.

What Fruit of The Spirit would you like to see increase in your life? Identifiy yourself with Christ. Watch your fruit ripen.



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