
Aug 21, 2021

The practice of idolatry ensnares those who participate in it by deceiving them so well that they are no longer able to ask, is there not a lie in my right hand? Isaiah 44:20

Two observations on the Afghan debacle.

First, and most important, we are all Afghanis now. Resist the urge to view the catastrophe from only the perspective of those trapped behind enemy lines. Think for a moment of the Afghan people. Pray for them all.

Secondly, the Biden administration has beclowned (Note 1) itself and irreparably damaged the USA. To a sad few, that won’t matter. But their grandchildren will not like the sound of such nincompoopery as it echos down the corridors of history for decades.

Gird yourself.

(1) Beclown, verb; to behave or speak in such a way, or to make a comment or express an opinion that is so profoundly witless, senseless and obtuse, as to have forever defined yourself as a person of only comical value, a fool and nincompoop never to be taken seriously again. Of worth only as an object of ridicule and derision.


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