Holy Boldness

Mar 6, 2023

Paul proclaimed the kingdom of God and taught about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance. Acts 28:31 NIV

If we have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, Jesus has sealed the redemption deal by giving us the Holy Spirit. We are the temple of the Living God.

So now what? What in the world is our purpose? The fundamental reality of this realm is redemption (see here).

So here is your purpose: Holy Boldness. Declare the mighty work of God. Use your Holy Boldness to assist God in His Redemption Project. Work as unto the Lord on the things God has put right in front of you today. Raise your kids to know Jesus. Do your work with excellence. Be a faithful friend. Love sincerely. Walk in humble fellowship with God. Pray. Study His Word. Follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Measure inputs. Let God measure outputs. Your example and boldness will lead to the redemption of others. This is your purpose.


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