A Sacrificial Foundation

Jul 16, 2024

This is not the post that was originally scheduled for today.

We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming for breaking news. And no, it is not about Donald Trump, the presumptive Republican nominee and survivor of an attempted assassination. While that is of great significance, in our view today’s post is of a higher order consequence.

Those who follow this blog will know that we are fans of Jordan Peterson. In 2023 Peterson co-founded the Alliance For Responsible Citizenship (“ARC”). ARCrejects the inevitability of civilizational decline propagated by zero-sum globalists (World Economic Forum et al (WEF). Instead, ARC seeks to develop a better narrative for the future. To seek solutions which draw on humanity’s highest virtues and extraordinary capacity for innovation and ingenuity in order to develop responses to life’s most fundamental social, economic, philosophical, and cultural questions. And to create a better world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.” (Adapted)

ARC held their first annual conference in London in October of 2023. In January of 2024 we reported on the conference in a series of posts entitled “Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage” (Note 1). The posts included what we thought were the four best presentations at the conference. One of those was a presentation by Jordan Peterson cited as possibly the best to that point in his career (There Is No Desert We Can’t Make Bloom).

At Easter this year (March 31, 2024) Tammy Peterson, Jordan’s wife, was confirmed into the Catholic Church. Immediately following being received into the Church, Tammy and Jordan sat down for a far reaching interview. We posted about that on April 15, 2024 (Note 2).

This past weekend (July 14) Peterson gave the opening address at an ARC Forum.

Taken together (and in order), these three pieces provide a profound and sweeping geopolitical and cultural continuum. Herewith:

  1. There Is No Desert We Can’t Make Bloom, Jordan Peterson, November 1, 2023, ARC: https://bit.ly/3zJdDyc
  2. An Interview with Tammy and Jordan Peterson, March 31, 2024: https://bit.ly/49HqIUW
  3. The West Was Built On The Idea Of Sacrifice, Jordan Peterson, ARC Forum, July 14, 2024: https://bit.ly/3xM01li

There is hope. Sit up straight with your shoulders back.

Note 1: Following are links to our original posts on the ARC conference:

Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /1: https://bit.ly/3SauMaS
Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /2: https://bit.ly/47B6hrI
Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /3: https://bit.ly/3RUuUtI
Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /4: https://bit.ly/3tQeZVi
Yielding Our Birthright For Pottage /5: https://bit.ly/3TYafaE
The ARC Of A Better Story: https://bit.ly/3Hgzspo

Note 2: An Interview with Tammy and Jordan Peterson, March 31, 2024: https://bit.ly/43ZrDPm


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