The Christian Mission, Continued

As Christians it is not up to us that the Gospel be believed. That is the job of The Holy Spirit. Our responsibility, through what we say AND do, is to present it in a manner that is accurate. This, simply put, is The Great Commission....

When All Has Been Said And Done

God has planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds, a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (AMPC, Paraphrased) When all has been said and done, the Christian Mission...

The Christian Mission Statement

To know Christ (1) and to make Him known. (1) To know Christ is not simply to gain more and more knowledge about Him, but to share an intimate communion with Him. To have fellowship with Him in the style of Moses. Sometimes the footnote is the most important...

On Vocation

God has also planted eternity in men’s hearts and minds, a divinely implanted sense of a purpose working through the ages which nothing under the sun but God alone can satisfy. Ecclesiastes 3:11 (AMPC, Paraphrased) We have two vocations in life, our labor by which we...