Father, I want to see myself as You do and live my life as You intend. Expose in me the empty and barren places where I have not allowed You to enter. Selah
Because children have abounding vitality, because they are fierce and free in spirit, they want things repeated and unchanged. They always say, “Do it again”; and the grown-up person does it again until he is nearly dead. For grown-up people are not strong...
Now then. What in the world am I to do about all the bills that I have to pay? The landlord wants his rent. Credit card payments are coming due. Food. Toilet paper. Yikes. What-Now-2-Do? 1. Recognize you ARE NOT ALONE. Millions of us are in exactly the same bind. 2....
We wrote Thursday on some strategies to employ that would see us through the challenges of being holed up in the Coronavirus “flattening the curve” experiment. Herewith a summary of those strategies: 1. Rest. 2. Eat Healthy. 3. Physical Hygiene. 4. Mental Hygiene. 5....
We wrote yesterday on some strategies to see us through being holed up in the Coronavirus flattening experiment. Today some thoughts on tactics for achieving those strategies. The following tactics on mental hygiene are paraphrased from a series of tweets by Carl T...