I Can See Clearly Now

I will praise the LORD who counsels me – even at night my conscience instructs me. I keep the LORD in mind always. Because He is at my right hand, I will not be shaken. Psalm 16:7-8 HCSB “I had started to notice that one of my eyes was becoming extremely...

There Will Be A Test Later

Questions God won’t ask: Were you a Calvinist? An Arminian? A Catholic? Orthodox? Evangelical?”Were you a vegetarian?Was your favorite music opera, rap, or rock and roll?Did you live in a fancy house? The one question that is certain to be on the test:...

The Christian Hope (1): It’s Not As Good As It’s Going to Get

We live in a Genesis 3 world. Fallen. Evicted from the Garden. Separated from God. But we fear not. We have a Psalm 23 guide, a John 3:16 love, a Romans 1:16 power, and a Revelation 21 future. (2) I’m just saying. #worldview The Christian definition of hope is...

Worldview: Forms Of Justice

Four points of order: You don’t have to believe in the Resurrection to realize that the Bible is the Operators Manual for humanity.Presently, there are two contending models of justice, Biblical Justice and Social Justice. Biblical Justice is one-another love...