Be ready at any time to give a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you. 1 Peter 3:15 [Adapted] When you stand before the council (Acts 4) or the Gates of Hell, it will not be sufficient to simply wave the Book of the Word before the...
Today is Chris Fabry’s 61st birthday (Happy Birthday Chris, many happy returns. And thank you for all you do for all of us out here on the fruited plain). On his 50th birthday (2011), Chris published a list of 50 things he had learned in 50 years. We are unsure...
This week’s posts begin a series on Being Identified With Christ and on His charge to go unto all the world. This command to influence and occupy is inseparable from Truth, so expect a little of that as well. Let’s begin here: “Therefore, go and make...