Instant Gratification, Power, Mass Formation, And Useful Idiots (Note 1)

One of these is not like the other: “The distinction between following what you believe to be right and looking for what is right.” “People who have their eyes open understand that things are disturbed at a spiritual level. It is not merely political. The disturbance...

Of Eternal Significance

All things have eternal significance. Every decision and action, either for truth or evil. Against truth there is no law. Against evil one must push back ceaselessly. Such are the Eternal Rules of Order and Right embedded in Creation. From the #truthandevil...

Deliver Us From Ignorance: A Call To Spirtual Growth

For everyone who lives on milk is unskilled in the word of righteousness, since he is a child. But solid food is for the mature, for those who have their powers of discernment trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil. Hebrews 5:13-14 ESV “He...

Stipulated: Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here (Note 1)

Why does it seem like a great swath of the developed world is descending into chaos at the same time? What sense can be made of this? Is there any satisfying explanation? We Have Met The Enemy And They Are Us In America, the country is in thrall to gender fluidity and...